ปลั๊กอิน wordpress โชว์บทความในหมวดหมู่เมนู

ปลั๊กอิน wordpress โชว์บทความในหมวดหมู่เมนู Category Posts in Custom

category-posts-in-custom-menu screenshot 1

The custom menu only allows adding a link that leads to a list of posts and pages belonging to a taxonomy (category, tag or custom). I wanted to insert the posts and pages themselves into the menu, so I wrote this plug-in. If you want to list the posts and pages belonging to a certain taxonomy in the menu and if you want WordPress to do this automatically for you, then I hope you will find this plugin useful.

Also works for custom post taxonomies and custom post types!

Using it

Enable the plugin and go to Appearance > Menus. Create your Custom Menu. Add a taxonomy (category/tag/custom) to the menu. Next, you can choose if you would like to replace the original link (to a page that lists the items) by the posts and pages themselves.

For each Category or Post Tag item in the menu, you now have the following extra configuration options:

  • replace the link by a list of posts in the menu y/n;
  • specify the (maximum) number of posts you want to show for this item (-1 = all, 0 also allowed now);
  • their ordering ascending or descending by ID, Author, Title and other properties. See ‘Other Notes > Ordering’;
  • keep or remove the original menu item (always / only if there are no posts / never);
  • specify the title for the menu items. For this you can use %post_title, %post_author and other wildcards, see ‘Other Notes > Wildcards’.


This plugin uses the wp_nav_menu_objects filter hook to remove and replace category items in the menu by the posts in that category. It extends Walker_Nav_Menu_Edit to add input fields to Appearance > Menus and adds some CSS to style this properly.



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